Terry Casales - October 5th, 2021

(Source: vandervelden / Getty Images)
Beloved, just as I pulled you out of the miry clay I have sent out a rescue team of ministering angels to pull you out of the mud of the enemy’s false narrative. He has kept you stuck in the mud of your mind, spinning your wheels and going nowhere long enough! Do not get anxious about where you are right now. You cannot get yourself out of the mud on your own strength in your weary state. Beloved, be patient, rest, wait on Me, be still and trust Me to pull you out at the right time. I promise you there is no delay. Angels have been sent on assignment. Help is on the way!
You may feel right now that you are sinking in quicksand. Believe Me when I say that nothing shall hinder you any more from moving forward with Me, for I Am working everything out with regards to all that concerns you and your brothers and sisters in Christ.
The three recommended ways to get out of quicksand are to:
Stop! Immediately freeze. If you are with a friend who is on solid ground or you can reach a branch, reach out and put as much weight on them/it as possible. Making yourself lighter makes it easier to escape. Slowly float out. The best way to do this is to try to increase your surface area by leaning back into the quicksand and slowly moving your legs to liquefy the water around them. Don't kick wildly. If you're very close to solid land, sit down on it and slowly work your feet or lower legs free. (Source: thoughtco.com)
Beloved, be still and sit with Me. Do not allow the spirit of fear to move you. I Am your friend who is on solid ground. Allow the power of My love to keep you from sinking further. Give Me your burden and allow Me to make you lighter — to lighten your load. Trust Me in the process of escape. Lean back into Me, on your Beloved.
Give me the weight of all your burdens — surrender them to Me. Allow Me to give you the strategies that you need to get free from what has you stuck. I Am your way of escape.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” - Matthew 11:30 - NKJV
Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance. - Psalm 42:5 - NKJV
Don't panic. Continued movement (like thrashing around from panic) keeps the quicksand mixture more like a liquid, so you sink further. Wriggle your feet while leaning back to increase your surface area. Try to float. If there is an incoming tide, you may be able to use your hands to mix in more water and clear some of the sand. (Source: thoughtco.com)
The enemy would like nothing more than for you to immediately go into panic mode when you find yourself stuck. Turn you gaze and your focus on Me and listen to Me, beloved. Listen for My instructions, however small they may be, regardless of whether they make any sense to you and follow them. Expect to see Me bring solutions from very unexpected people and places.
Remember, you only see in part and My ways are higher and better than your ways. As you wait on Me. I will provide the refreshment and the rest that you need to stay at peace in the secret place as I Am turning your situation around in your favor. Beloved, I Am always working and this situation did not come as a surprise to Me.
Receive my instruction, and not silver, And knowledge rather than choice gold; - Proverbs 8:10 - NKJV
So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; - James 5:19 - NKJV
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33 - NKJV
Call for help. If you find yourself in too deep or out too far for help, keep an eye out for people who can call for help or take out your cell phone and call yourself. If you live in a quicksand-prone area, you know to keep a charged phone on your person for just such an emergency. Stay still and wait for help to arrive. (Source: thoughtco.com)
This is not the time to try to figure it all out on your own strength. Disturbing quicksand makes it flow like a liquid, but gravity acts against you. The trick to escaping the trap is to move slowly and try to float. Strong forces stiffen quicksand, making it more like a solid than a liquid, so pulling and jerking only make a bad situation worse.
Beloved, do not allow yourself to get in too deep in the swirl of lies and deception from the enemy that is trying to distract you from what I Am calling you to do right now. But even if you do find yourself there, take heart and do not go into self-condemnation and allow yourself to keep from seeking Me.
Use the gift of discernment and when you begin to feel condemned by the accuser, remember that you are already accepted by your Abba Father who loves you, regardless of how many times you mess up.
I Am closer that any brother. You do not have to look far to find Me. Beloved, you are not in too deep. My ears and My hands are not too far out of your reach! I Am only a whisper away, so you can call Me to help. I Am your ever present help in trouble. I Am always with you, even when you cannot feel Me near.
Beloved, you are not alone, you are not hopeless and you are not helpless!
He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps. - Psalm 40:2 - NKJV
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. - Matthew 7:7 - NKJV
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” - Matthew 21:22 - NKJV